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- MultiCDPlayer
- V 1.01
- 14.01.1996
- - Public Domain -
- 1. Preface
- MCDPlayer is public domain, meaning that you can use and spread the
- program as you want.
- You are using MCDPlayer on your own risk. I cannot be held responsible
- for any damage caused by MCDPlayer. This includes system crashes, bugs
- in the program or this documentation.
- This will be the only distribution of MCDP done by me. It works fine
- with some SCSI2-CDROMs (i.e. Toshiba 4101, 3401, SONY CDU-554) but
- refuses to run on others (NEC). I don't have the time to search for
- bugs that occurs in combination with hardware that I do not own.
- I hope there's anyone who will continue development of MCDP.
- Boris Jakubaschk
- Im Öschle 28
- 78727 Oberndorf
- Germany
- FIDO 2:246/1115.2
- EMail Boris@alice.tynet.sub.org
- Thanks to:
- - Gary Duncan and Heiko Rath for SCSIUtil
- - Matt Dillon for DICE
- - Jan van den Baard for GadToolsBox
- 2. The purpose of this program...
- ...is to play audio CDs (CDDAs) on your CD-ROM drive. Therefore it must
- be connected to a SCSI-host.
- MCDP has some special features:
- - Very compact GUI on your Workbench screen
- - GUI is designed like a CD player
- - direct access of first 20 titles of every CD
- - automatically detects CDs and displays the interpreter, the CDs title
- and the name of the title currently played.
- - automatically detects the change of the CD.
- - Editor to add new CDs to your database.
- - Editor for programming
- - Configuration using tooltypes: SCSI-device and -unit, window position
- and path of CD database
- - Commodoty with hotkeys for start/stop/title selection
- 3. Installation:
- Before you start it for the first time, you should adapt the tooltypes
- of MCDPs icon to your hardware configuration:
- FONTNAME=<name>.font
- Replace <name> with the name of the font you want to use in the
- display. There are 4 Fonts in the MCDP archive:
- - MCDP_DOT.font : Looks like a dot matrix LCD display
- - MCDP_LCD.font : Looks like a segmented LCD display
- - MDCP_LC2.font : LCD display font including lower case characters
- - MCDP_STD.font : Best readable but somehow boring
- You must copy at least one of these fonts to your FONTS: drawer and
- set its name in the tooltypes.
- SCSI_DEV=<name>.device
- Insert the device name of your SCSI host as <name>. Commodore uses
- scsi.device as device name for their hosts. This is the default value.
- SCSI_ID=<nr>
- SCSI-ID of your CD-ROM drive. As this number must be in the range of
- 0 to 6, you can detect it by "try and error" if you don't know it.
- Default value is 1.
- SONGPATH=<path>
- Use this tooltype to determine the path where MCDP will save its CD
- database. Default is the actual drawer at startup.
- WND_POS=<path>
- MCDP opens its window on the default publicscreen. You can determine
- the position:
- 0: Centered to the visual part of your screen (if your screen doesn't
- auto scroll: centered to the screen)
- 1: right upper corner of the screen
- 2: left upper corner of the screen
- 3: left lower corner of the screen
- 4: right lower corner of the screen
- The editor windows always open in the screen center.
- Wrong settings lead to the following results:
- - MCDP refuses to start: Wrong device name or unoccupied SCSI-ID.
- - MCDP starts, but only shows the "breadless arts" logo: The ID doesn't
- belong to a CD-ROM drive or it is not operable.
- - MCDP opens its window and closes it instantly: The font can't be
- found.
- Now you can start MCDP from Workbench. It is also possible to start it
- from Shell by using the tooltypes as parameters:
- MCDP "SCSI_DEV=gvpscsi.device" "SCSI_ID=1" "SONGPATH=Music:CDs/"
- 4 Bedienung:
- The "Look & Feel" of MCDP is almost identical to a CD player. So there
- should be no problems.
- I'll describe the gadgets below the display first, beginning at the
- left edge:
- Play ( > ):
- Play CD, beginning with the first title. In program mode, playing
- starts with the first title of the program. In both cases the CD-ROM
- must have been in idle state before, the play symbol ( ">", right
- lower corner of display ) mustn't have been visible.
- Pause ( || ):
- Pauses playing until this Gadget is klicked again.
- Stop ( [] ):
- Stops playing and quits program mode.
- Skip backwards ( |< ):
- Skips to the title that has been played before the actual one.
- Skip forward ( >| ):
- Skips to the next title.
- Search backward ( << ):
- Jumps 20 seconds backwards in the actual title.
- Search forward ( >> ):
- Jumps 20 seconds forward in the actual title.
- Eject ( ^ ):
- Eject CD.
- At the right side of the display you find some more gadgets:
- Number gadgets ( 1-19 ):
- In standard mode you can select the first 19 titles of the CD
- directly. In program mode the keys 1-8 select the actual pro-
- gram, the others are unused.
- Direct input ( + ):
- Now you can type in the title number using the number gadgets
- 1 to 10 (= 0).
- Edit title list ( LIST ):
- You see a window with some gadgets to put in the interpreters
- and the CDs name and the names of all titles. To leave this
- window you find the same gadgets as in the preferences pro-
- grams of your workbench.
- After you saved the title list of a CD, this CD will be iden-
- tified whenever you insert it. The titles are displayed.
- Edit programs ( PGM ):
- In the program window, you see two big lists: On the left side,
- all titles of the actual CD are displayed. The list on the
- right side is empty. It will hold the programmed titles. The
- gadgets between the two lists are used to clear the actual
- program (New), to select the selection mode of the program
- list and to select the actually edited program.
- The programming system is very simple: Whenever you select a
- title of the left list, it is appended to the program list. If
- you select a title in the right list, the action depends on
- the selection mode: It can be deleted or moved up, down, to
- the top or to the bottom of the program list.
- Start program mode ( PG# ):
- This gadget activates the program mode of MCDP. The display shows
- "PGM" then. If you klick on "Play" now, the first title of the
- start program will be played. Alternatively, you can select the
- number of a program using the number gadgets before.
- 5. Keyboard control:
- MCDP uses the numeric keypad in conjunction with Ctrl and the left
- Alt key as hotkeys for all basic functions. Therefore, the window
- doesn't necessarily have to be selected.
- The keys are assigned as follows:
- __ __ __ __
- | | |^ |+ |
- |__|__|__|__| Enter Start
- |7 |8 |9 ||<| . Stop and quit program mode
- |__|__|__|__| 1-9 Play title 1-9
- |4 |5 |6 |>|| 0 Play title 10
- |__|__|__|__| + Play next title
- |1 |2 |3 |> | - Play previous title
- |__|__|__| | / Eject CD
- |10 |[]| | * Direct input
- |_____|__|__|